HSL High Speed Rail South
A Derailment Safety System has been installed on various sections of the HSL route. If a train derails, the derailment safety system must prevent the derailed train from landing on the adjacent section of track. This safety system consists of a concrete edge running between and parallel to the rails. The concrete edge is 17 cm. high and 50 cm. wide.

12 mm rebar in strength class FEB 500 was chosen as reinforcement, which was to be anchored at a depth of 150 mm. Because this cast-in reinforcement could not be applied, a post-installed system with HaC hammer capsules was chosen.
In order to guarantee complete filling of the borehole at the chosen embedment depth, a special hammer capsule was developed by B+BTec at very short notice with the correct composition and volume. During the subsequent tests, the load values set by the client were effortlessly achieved.
The required weekly production and supply of 25,000 special hammer capsules also posed no problem. In total, over 400,000 capsule were supplied for this project.