De Schweizer Riegel is al meer dan 40 jaar een begrip in de tunnelbouw en wordt door het Zwitserse Bundesambt für Strassen (ASTRA) in het Vakhandboek Tunnel/Geotechniek voorgeschreven als bewezen systeem voor het verankeren van o.a. plafonds en brandkleppen.

De Schweizer Riegel is een, door B+BTec ontwikkeld en gepatenteerd, spreidspanningsvrij staalanker voor de meest kritische toepassingen.

Omdat elke tunnel configuratie anders is ontwerpt en fabriceert B+BTec project specifieke kernboorsystemen om de boorwerkzaamheden voor het plaatsen van de Schweizer Riegels zo snel en efficient mogelijk uit te voeren.
Foto: Roterende Triple Booras Kernboorsysteem voor de Installatie
van Schweizer Riegel Ankers t.b.v. de Neuchâtel Tunnel (CH).
1982 - Sonnenbergtunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M16, A4-70
1985 - Seelisbergtunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M16, A4-1.4401
1989 - Tunnel Neuchâtel Est
Highway N5, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M20 and 24, A4-1.4401
1986 /1994/1997 - Gotthardtunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Anchoring of New Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M16 and 20, A4-1.4401
2001 - Gotthardtunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Renovation of Ventilationsystem:
Anchoring of Brackets for Fire Hatches
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2001 - Gotthardtunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Renovation of Ventilationsystem:
Anchoring of Brackets for Fire Hatches
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2001/2002 - Gotthardtunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Installation of new Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2004/2005 - Kirchenwaldtunnel
Highway A2/8, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M24, HCR1.4529
2005/2006 - Loppertunnel
Highway A8, Switzerland.
Renovation of Suspended Deck
for Fire Hatches
Swiss Lock M16 & M20, HCR1.4529
2006 - Tunnel San Bernardino
Highway A13, Switzerland.
Renovation of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M24, HCR1.4529
2007 - Aeschertunnel
Highway N20, Switzerland.
Renovation of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2007 - Stägjitschugge Tunnel
Highway H213, Switzerland.
Installation of Suspended Deck
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2007/2010 - Seelisberg Tunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Deck Elements
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2007 /2012 - Gotthard Strassentunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Maintenance with replacement Swiss Lock anchors
2009 - Gubristtunnel
Highway N1/38, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Deck Elements
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2010 - Tunnel Vedeggio - Cassarate
Highway PA 399, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Tunnel Deck
Swiss Lock M20, HCR1.4529
2011 - Tunnel de Bure
Highway A16, Switzerland.
Anchoring of Tunnel Deck
Swiss Lock M24, HCR1.4529
2014 - 2015 Seelisberg Tunnel
Highway N2, Switzerland.
Installation of new suspension rods for partition wall with SR™ M24ZS HCR1.4529
2016-2018 - Neuchâtel Tunnel
Highway N5, Switzerland.
Installation of SR™ M30, HCR1.4529
2018 Sachseln Tunnel
Highway A8, Switzerland.
Installation of SR™ M30, HCR1.4529